Book review - Water for elephants by Sara Gruen

Alex Skelton
2 min readJan 14, 2017


Water for elephants by Sara Gruen

Water for elephants by Sara Gruen follows the life of Jacob Jankowski, a 93 year old nursing home resident. The story unfolds through the flashbacks as Jacob battles with the constraints of life in a nursing home whilst also reliving the early years of his life as a journeyman vet on a train circus.

Sara Gruen had clearly done a significant amount of research into the goings on of a circus and it comes across throughout the book with snippets of information which add colour to the story. The horrifying side story of the paralysis of Camel due to drinking Jamaica Ginger (Jake) was something that I had never head of but afflicted thousands of Americans during prohibition.

Gruen expertly handles the different point of view of the 23 and 93 year old Jacob and explores his realisation that he may be starting to lose his mind, his resulting anger and fear with genuine care.

The main characters in the book are well formed, carefully developed and believable. The story is focused around the developing romance between Jacob and Marlene, the star turn of each nights show and the wife of the brutal but charismatic equestrian director August. Whilst this is undoubtedly a romance novel there are so many other plot lines intertwining throughout the book that it kept me turning the pages right to the end. My favourite charater was the elephant Rosie who only understands Polish and who is mischievous and gentle with her friends Jacob and Marlene, whilst willful and ultimately violent towards August. It finishes with a rather far fetched twist which although unlikely left me smiling.

Despite the role of Rosie the elephant, the title is drawn not from how Jacob cares for Rosie, but his disdain for a fellow nursing home resident who claims to have worked on a train circus carrying water for elephants. It is also briefly touched upon during Jacob’s interview with Uncle Al the circus owner.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction and anything relating to the great depression in the US.

